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00:00:00 - Personal background / Interest in Dartmouth and Naval ROTC

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Partial Transcript: Okay, so this is Hannah Markowitz. I’m in Rauner Library on Dartmouth College’s campus.

Segment Synopsis: Mike Parker gives a brief overview of his personal background growing up in Maine. He also discusses how he became interested in Dartmouth and applying for the Naval ROTC scholarship.

Keywords: Dartmouth College; NROTC; Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps; Maine

00:08:09 - ROTC / Academic studies at Dartmouth

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Partial Transcript: So you arrived at Dartmouth in the fall of 1960?

Segment Synopsis: Parker discusses campus attitudes towards ROTC, training, and community fostered within the ROTC. Parker also discusses his academic studies at Dartmouth.

Keywords: Dartmouth College; Geology; Geophysics; NROTC; ROTC; Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps

00:15:49 - Skiing for Dartmouth / Graduation

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Partial Transcript: So outside of ROTC and academics, which I’m sure took up a lot of time, what

Segment Synopsis: Parker recounts walking on to the ski team at Dartmouth. He also discusses the political atmosphere during the time of his graduation, noting that things were "brewing" in Vietnam.

Keywords: Dartmouth College; Dartmouth Ski Team; Gulf of Tonkin incident; Political awareness; Vietnam War; Skiing

00:18:33 - Military training and experience in Cuba

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Partial Transcript: Well, I—I remember vividly—our—our ship was—

Segment Synopsis: Parker details his training as a Combat Information Center officer and his assignment in Cuba as part of his four-year active duty commitment. He also briefly touches on his experience in Vietnam working on the staff of Admiral Zumwalt.

Keywords: Admiral Elmo Zumwalt; Agent Orange; CIC officer; Combat Information Center; Gitmo; Guantanamo Bay Naval Base; Military training; USS Waller; Cuba

00:28:56 - Naval community in Cuba

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Partial Transcript: Was there any sort of hierarchy that was in place that you noticed, like socially, when you first got there, or—

Segment Synopsis: Parker talks about the hierarchy in the Navy, the camaraderie amongst the crew members in Cuba, and sending letters to families of crew members to keep them updated.

Keywords: Guantanamo Bay Naval Base; Ham radio; KG4AN; King George for America’s Navy (radio station); US Navy; USS Frigate Bird; United States Navy; Gitmo

00:36:25 - Parker's family in the US / Deploying to Vietnam

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Partial Transcript: What was it like having your wife back in the States at this point?

Segment Synopsis: Parker briefly talks about what his wife was doing back in the US and discusses preparing to deploy to Vietnam. He also recounts arriving in Vietnam as a mine countermeasures and swimmer defense officer on Admiral Zumwalt's staff.

Keywords: Admiral Elmo Zumwalt; California; Ho Chi Minh City; SERE school; Saigon; Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape; The Vietnam War

00:43:14 - Attitude on the Vietnam War / Staff job in Vietnam

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Partial Transcript: What were your thoughts on the Vietnam War when you first went there?

Segment Synopsis: Parker discusses his perception of the Vietnam War and American involvement, and recounts his experience working a staff job for the Navy in Saigon, Vietnam.

Keywords: Cholon; Chợ Lớn; Communism; Cura Viet Base; Cửa Việt Base; Ho Chi Minh City; PBR; Patrol Boat, River; Saigon

00:53:23 - Countermeasures in Vietnam / Naval community in Vietnam

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Partial Transcript: Did you ever encounter—I know you mentioned they found the three very sophisticated Russian bombs

Segment Synopsis: Parker elaborates on defensive measures taken in Vietnam in response to the North Vietnamese Army, and community dynamics in Vietnam compared to Cuba.

Keywords: Countermeasures; DMZ; Demilitarized Zone; Field officers; Staff officers; US Navy; United States Navy; Defensive measures

00:59:04 - Impact of Admiral Zumwalt / Agent Orange

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Partial Transcript: So I wanted to talk a bit more about Admiral Zumwalt now.

Segment Synopsis: Parker elaborates on Admiral Zumwalt and his long-lasting impact on the Navy and Vietnam War, specifically addressing modernization of naval culture. Parker also discusses the introduction of Agent Orange.

Keywords: Admiral Elmo Zumwalt; Agent Orange; Chief of Naval Operations; Ho Chi Minh City; Military leadership; PCF; Patrol Craft Fast; Racism; Swift Boats; US Navy; United States Navy; Saigon

01:14:23 - Dentistry after Vietnam / Attitudes and political climate in the US

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Partial Transcript: So you—you finished your one-year tour,

Segment Synopsis: Parker discusses coming back to the US after his one-year service in Vietnam and attending dental school. He reflects on his classmates' attitudes on the Vietnam War, noting the negative opinions and antiwar protests.

Keywords: Antiwar activism; Boston, MA; Dentistry; Tufts University School of Dental Medicine; USS Frigate Bird; Veterans; Tufts Dental School

01:22:34 - Career as a Navy dentist

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Partial Transcript: And was your family living in the Boston area with you

Segment Synopsis: Parker discusses returning to the Navy after finishing dental school and serving as a Navy dentist. He also talks about moving around with his family for his various postings, from Maine to Scotland to the Washington, DC area to Washington State.

Keywords: Bangor, Washington; Bath, ME; Bethesda, MD; Dental officer; Naval Postgraduate Dental School; Scotland; USS Frigate Bird

01:29:23 - Looking beyond the Vietnam War / Family life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Were there any discussions or were people open about discussing the end of the Vietnam War

Segment Synopsis: Parker discusses dynamics in the Navy towards the end of and after the Vietnam War. He also talks about his family and how his Naval career affected his children.

Keywords: Family; US Navy; United States Navy; Portland, Maine