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00:00:00 - Personal background

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is Ben Gulihur. Today is May 6, 2023.

Segment Synopsis: Anthony (Tony) Thompson gives a detailed history of his parents' backgrounds, and discusses how Hungarian culture shaped his schooling and discipline growing up.

Keywords: Albany Academy; Albany, NY; Hungarian culture; Hungary; Military school; New York; Taft School; Vermont; Family

00:10:44 - Coming to Dartmouth

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And how did you find—how did you get to Dartmouth?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson recounts his time at Dartmouth, specifically highlighting social life.

Keywords: Dartmouth College; Fraternities; Gamma Delta Chi; Skiing; Social life; Tanzi's grocery; Brown Hall

00:15:03 - Joining the Army / Orders to Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I know Thad Seymour, Thaddeus Seymour, he was a big influence on you joining the military.

Segment Synopsis: Thompson talks briefly about Dean Thaddeus Seymour and his influence on Thompson's decision to join the Army. He recounts his feelings after his orders were switched from Garmisch, Germany to Vietnam, and he describes his first impressions and memories of Vietnam.

Keywords: Assassination of John F. Kennedy; Fort Dix, NJ; Garmisch, Germany; JFK; John F. Kennedy; Kennedy assassination; Morse Code; Quang Tri; Quảng Trị; RTO; Radio Telephone Operator; Thaddeus (Thad) Seymour; The draft; Vietnam; Radio telegraph school

00:26:52 - First six months in Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Your relationships with the ARVN sounds pretty affable. Pretty good?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discusses the first six months of his deployment in Vietnam, when he was stationed in A Shau valley. He recounts his time working with various military advisors before being attached to the 1st Regiment of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam.

Keywords: A Shau Valley; A Sầu Valley; Army of the Republic of Vietnam; Major George Boehner; Military advisors; South Vietnamese Army; Vietnamese food; ARVN

00:32:59 - Experience with the 1st Regiment of the ARVN

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And then when you got yourself attached to the 1st Regiment?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson describes his experience being attached to the 1st Regiment of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, the relationship of the ARVN with civilians, and civilian/prisoner executions witnessed during this time.

Keywords: Army of the Republic of Vietnam; Civilians; Executions; Military Assistance Advisory Group; Military Assistance Command; Ngo Dinh Diem; Prisoners of war; South Vietnamese Army; Vietnamese; ARVN

00:47:26 - Successes with the 1st Regiment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: But you captured a prisoner of war?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson talks about "successes" he had while working with the 1st Regiment and describes memories of combat.

Keywords: APC; ARVN; Anthony Lake; Armoured personnel carrier; Army of the Republic of Vietnam; Cam Lộ; DMZ; Demilitarized Zone; Major George Chamberlain; Military combat; North Vietnamese; Prisoners of war; South Vietnamese Army; Viet Cong; Cam Lo

01:02:16 - Receiving the Cross of Gallantry and Bronze Star / Returning from war

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So you were awarded the Cross of Gallantry and the Bronze Star for going after your comrades and trying to find them?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson briefly discusses the honors and medals he received for his service in Vietnam. He then recounts his return to Dartmouth at the encouragement of Thaddeus Seymour.

Keywords: Bronze Star; Dartmouth College; Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross; Russell Sage (dormitory); Tet Offensive; Thaddeus Seymour; Vietnam Cross of Gallantry

01:07:36 - Returning to Dartmouth / Campus opinions of the war

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In fact, I was at summer school when the first women were allowed in campus rooms as in the academic side of campus.

Segment Synopsis: Thompson recounts coming back to Dartmouth right after leaving Vietnam. He describes antiwar and anti-veteran sentiments expressed by the student body, and notes that his roommates were allies on campus.

Keywords: Antiwar; Cam Savage; Campus life; Fraternities; GDX; Gamma Delti Chi; Kevin Shore; Robert (Bob) McGrath; White River Junction, VT; Russell Sage (dormitory)

01:13:45 - Graduating from Dartmouth / Moving to Australia

Play segment

Partial Transcript: There was no organization of veterans on campus?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discusses working in Vermont and New York upon graduating from Dartmouth, and then moving to Australia with his best friend John English from Dartmouth. He also discusses Australians' perceptions of the War.

Keywords: Australia; New York; Philip H. Hoff; Richard A. Snelling; Vermont; John English

01:26:52 - Life in Australia

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I met my wife, the mother of my two kids, in Australia.

Segment Synopsis: Thompson recounts his time living in Australia and getting married to his wife, Elizabeth.

Keywords: Australia; Elizabeth Thompson; Marriage; Sydney

01:36:56 - Return to the US / Visiting Vietnam after the war

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, you came back in ‘73?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discussing returning to the US from Australia. He reflects on the end of the Vietnam War and discusses visiting Vietnam years later.

Keywords: Post-war development; Tet Offensive; Vietnam; Vietnam War; North Vietnamese Army

01:43:53 - Reflections on the Vietnam War

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Is that how you feel?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson delves into a deep reflection on his attitudes and perceptions of the Vietnam War and life as a veteran.

Keywords: PTSD; Post-traumatic stress disorder; United States Department of Veterans Affairs; VA; Vietnam War; Vietnam veterans

01:51:57 - Changes at Dartmouth / 50th Reunion / Final thoughts on the war

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Although you said it felt like at Dartmouth, sometimes this is something similar I

Segment Synopsis: Thompson reflects on how Dartmouth has changed over the years, and how he feels about the changes. He also discusses his 50th reunion, Ken Burns' Vietnam War documentary, and final thoughts on American involvement in the war.

Keywords: Class of '64; Class of 1964; Ken Burns; Reunions; Socialism; Vietnam War; Dartmouth College